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Whom We Serve

Whom We Serve  
We serve Doctors, Dentists, Medical Staff, Retirees, Pre-retirees, Women in Transition, Executives & Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, and Philanthropists.   
Doctors and Dentists
Dantas Financial  specializes in working with all medical personnel. Whether a solo practice,  a partnership, or a full hospital staff, We walk you through each decision one step at a time so you can get on track by…Refinancing & managing student loans , planning and investing for retirement & college, creditor asset protection, Insuring for death & disability, buy-sell agreements, maximizing tax deductible opportunities, & preparing for financial emergencies. We help negotiate benefits for those employed by large medical groups.  We also will help you fund the appropriate retirement account first to maximize contributions and minimize taxes. (free pro tip: cash value life insurance is usually last in line) 
Here at Dantas Financial, we  assist retirees with every detail of financial needs. These include aligning retirement investments with overall goals, developing retirement income distribution strategies (such as the Systematic, Bucket, or Flooring methods) , helping you understand your retirement payout options and the tax implications, creating Social Security maximization strategies, and providing estate tax and distribution planning, long-term-care planning, spousal asset transfer,  and legacy/inheritance planning (to heirs or charity). We also, hold all insurance licences to help you choose the right insurance policies  to match your retirement income plan. Insurance includes; medicare insurance policy, part D plan (Rx), long term care plan and/or hybrid policy, life insurance, auto and home insurance.
Women In Transition
One of our main areas of experience are for women going through changes and transitions, like a divorce or becoming a widow; we offer specific services including analyzing the tax consequences of divorce settlements, what to do with life insurance and IRA proceeds, real estate planning, whether selling a home or buying new property, cash flow and budgeting, second-marriage financial planning, long-term-care planning, end-of-life planning, estate and legacy planning,  and life insurance and long-term disability insurance planning. So whether you are in retirement, thinking about retiring or overwhelmed by an unexpected windfall of inherited money, we want to help educate and assist you with taking control of your financial life.  
We know this can  be difficult and an emotionally challenging time, which can leave you vulnerable to undesirable advice and less than favorable investment recommendations. Dantas Financial  is here to offer complete comprehensive service and full transparency, due to the fiduciary oath we stand by. 
Executives and Professionals
Dantas Financial works with executives and professionals from leading companies to maximize executive benefit plans, conduct retirement and other scenario planning, implement tax planning strategies and analyze stock options, restricted shares and other employer stock plans. We also devise strategies for deferred compensation planning, manage variable income streams and maximize pension payouts.
Entrepreneurs and Small-Business Owners
Being a business owner as well for over 20 years, we know the tips and strategies involved with running a business. Dantas Financial supports business owners and entrepreneurs through tax planning strategies, estate tax and distribution strategies, insurance needs analysis, cash management and succession planning. Other services offered include buy-sell agreements, transition strategies, assistance with managing cash flow, money management and retirement planning, including maximizing owner/partner benefits as well as developing and servicing  company retirement plans.
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